Our Research Strategy
Cybersecurity is a strategic priority for Australia’s national security and the country’s critical infrastructure. With the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT), everyday objects such as vehicles, home appliances and power plants are increasingly being connected to the Internet and each other for improved functionality. This however significantly increases the attack vector of the Internet and brings about new challenges for security and privacy. The Cyber Security Research and Innovation Centre is an initiative of Holmes Institute to foster research efforts in this area and help mitigate the security and privacy impact of IoT. The centre aims to establish a research brand for Holmes Institute within this area. The pathway to achieving this vision within this area is depicted in the figure below.
Research Themes
The CSRIC operates under two research themes: strategic and technological.
Strategic theme
The strategic theme aims to advance the state of theory and practice in relevance to the strategic, managerial and legal aspects of IoT security and privacy. In the next few years, a particular focus will be placed on IoT security and privacy awareness, IoT security trust/certification and Australian privacy laws and regulations in relation to IoT.
Technological theme
The technical stream aims to develop novel cryptographic techniques for resource-constrained IoT devices. This research theme will address the distinct issues related to data encryption and energy efficiency, hence, overcoming the lack of user confidence, which inhibits the utilisation of IoT technology. This research theme will develop systematic theories under technological constraints, and practical technologies informed by economic considerations.
The CSRIC is fully funded by Holmes Institute with an initial grant of $5 million. Whilst there is no time limit on the investment, it is expected that the centre grows organically, based on its progress and achievements. A critical trigger for increased activity and expansion is when the first students are enrolled in the Master of Information Systems.
Growth Plan
It is intended to grow the centre organically, taking advantage of the growth in Holmes’ student cohort, both at the undergraduate and the postgraduate level. Holmes Institute will also follow the path lead by its Research Fellows, employing assistants and deploying students to enhance the output of publications. Holmes strategy is to recruit international students and find them employment locally in various industries related to cybersecurity, business analytics and project management in Information Systems. Graduates will be encouraged to access the post-study work visa and Holmes will actively seek alliances with employers in these fields.